African American Food History Events and Appearances Food and Slavery Publications The Cooking Gene

Whose Cuisine Is It Anyway? White or Black or Native? The Cooking Gene responds…

One of my favorite reviews because it comes from the heart. It is written by a white Southern writer, Patricia Haynes,  who knows her hometown of Richmond, Virginia and put her sense of place and heritage into this review. I love that she compared my grandmother’s fried apples to her own…she likes country sausage drippings for her own dish! There is so much to unpack in this review of my new book, The Cooking Gene.

My favorite part: 

Hey if you want to see what the good hype is about see here

Thank you everyone for your support!

2 comments on “Whose Cuisine Is It Anyway? White or Black or Native? The Cooking Gene responds…

  1. Im not Black. Im not Jewish or Southern. I dont even like food that much. But i am a huge fan of Mr. Twitty. I have learned so much about my own life & my own world from learning about his life and the world we share.


  2. Jennifer L Hill

    Mr. Twitty: my Mom was born on a TX “plantation” (we would call it a ranch, here in NV) north of La Porte in 1930..
    Despised by her mother, she was suckled & loved by her nurse. For 6 years she was wrapped in the love of that amazing woman. Mom never knew this woman’s name, she was “Mammy” & loved with a fierceness never given her “real” mother.
    So, I truly beg your pardon for calling her that name, but it is remembered with the greatest honor & respect I can give.
    I have no contact with that side of my family, unfortunately, and I doubt my cousins know, either, but would give her her proper name if I knew it. That generation is gone, but the only teaching in how to be a mother, my Mom learned through the love of that incredible black woman.
    I first became acquainted with you through Townsend’s video cooking series.
    Keep cooking & teaching all of us.
    Jennifer Hill, NV


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