Pop Culture and Pop Food Scholars, Elders and Wise Folk The Cooking Gene

12 Years A Slave: Why I’m Glad it Won Best Picture

12 Years A Slave: Why I’m Glad it Won Best Picture


   “Joyce is right about history being a nightmare –but it may be the nightmare from which no one can awaken.  People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them.”  –James Baldwin, “Stranger in the Village.”

If you follow me through social media you know I’m used to visiting plantation landscapes and dressing in the type of clothing enslaved people would wear.  I’ve cooked the enslaved way in many states across the former Confederacy and Border states.  I’ve picked cotton and worked in tobacco fields. I’ve been in rice and sugarcane fields in the Lowcountry and Lower Mississippi Valley dodging teenaged gators and poisonous snakes.  Plantations blind with darkness don’t scare me and I almost take comfort from the spirits that have surrounded me.  I have been in their presence—for real—and the ancestors have been both welcoming and irritated by my company.

I think I’m bad.  I think I’m cool. I think I’m seasoned.  I think I’m brave.  I think I’m aware.

Then I go see 12 Years a Slave.  All of that intellectual bravado ran like Eva for the nearest North Star.

If you don’t get why 12 Years a Slave won best picture, I’m going to have to break it down to you in terms that you can understand: tears and fear.

The opening scene is a Louisiana sugarcane field in the late 1840’s and a gang of enslaved men is learning how to cut cane for the first time.  Most of them are victims of the domestic slave trade…the largest forced human migration in American history—larger than the Trail of Tears.  For dramatic effect they wear “slave tags” not really common outside of Charleston, but effective none the less to show the dehumanization of Black life in the antebellum era.  Our hero, Solomon Northup, a free man of color, a religious man, a faithful husband and devoted father, has already been duped, drugged, sold and shipped.  We see him in medias res as he experiences a life terrifyingly foreign to him in the hell of the Deep South.

“All you fresh niggers….” says the white overseer.  The line is real and pungent and stinking of the sort of commitment to the Satanic system that was American slavery.  I, sitting in the theater, think I can hang.  From that one line, I find I cannot.

I wanted to burst into tears and leave the theater.  My chest felt like a gargoyle trampoline, I actually had to hold my heart in.  With all of my commitment to not be an armchair culinary historian this was more than I could bear.  This was right out of my worst interpreter’s nightmares.

What if I was doing a reenactment and it wasn’t really a reenactment? Maybe it’s a bad dream.  Maybe I wake up one day and it’s all real and I’m trapped in the past.  Maybe this is Hell.   What if one day I’m on a site and I turn the corner and it’s all real—it’s not 2014 anymore and I can’t get out.

            You see I’ve had that dream before.  It’s a consequence of the work I do.  A massively delayed reaction—by centuries and souls.  “Joyce is right about history being a nightmare –but it may be the nightmare from which no one can awaken,” says St. James Baldwin.  The man knew what he was talking about.  Despite my own existence and that of people I love I wish this nonsense never ever ever ever ever ever happened.  Some days I wake up and pretend that there was no 9/11.  Some days I wake up and pretend there was no Shoah (Holocaust).  Some days I wake up and pretend that there was no need to spill blood over the Holy Land or that there was no need for a Native American/First Nations Ghost Dance.  And then I fantasize—what if there was not one slave ship.  What if there was a moment in 1781 when it was decided—if none were free—nobody could be free.  What if there was a moment in 1877 when the advances made through Reconstruction were not repealed but advanced.  What if 6 million people had never been enslaved on American soil and another 2 million held in quasi slavery? What if we had the moral imagination then and now–to know what could be/could have been?

But that is not the case and here we are waiting on ceremony.  We would rather passively aggressively hold our heads down in shame or to the side rather than face head on America’s original sin.  We do this anyway in some of our daily interactions.  I have seen people defer to silence in the face of open and outright hatred.  All due respect to What Would You Do?  It takes a lot of shots and takes to get to the one good Samaritan.  I often feel that my attempts to address anti-Black prejudice in some of the Jewish and Gay male environments I have been in have gone ignored with uncomfortable smirks and frowns, pursed mouths, an unwillingness to call out or be angry about anything other than “Black” anti-Semitism or “Black” homophobia…Apparently articulate speech stops when the accredited oppressed dish on untouchables.  It’s a bizarre dance we do—we don’t want a war and we don’t want reconciliation—so we are chained to our purgatory of national amnesia and fear of dialogue.  Maybe this movie in its long term reach—will change that.

Maybe it takes a cast directed by a British Black man of West Indian extraction to face our worst fear—my worst fear—and tackle this devil called American slavery.  I don’t care—as long as the deeds get done—and in this landmark picture—the deed did get done.  For the most part—I have been critical of movies depicting slavery and enslaved life.  The sugarcoating often has failed to get across the constant sense of dread and aching longing to be free.  But there is also the bizarre fuzziness of slavery—the slaveholder Epps gently stroking an enslaved child like a toy—and we know this is not real affection but rather the grooming of a future victim.  Maybe it’s the desperate attempt at kindness shown by Ford or Alfre Woodard’s character of black female plantation belle living the good life from the portico down.

What made this movie so monumental to me was the fact that there were no good cowboys and no good Indians.  It was as real and true to history as could be in this respect.  Solomon obviously has no concern or awareness of what’s going on miles to the South—until of course he’s trapped in it.  Epps transforms his pseudo-love and affection into sexual abuse and sadistic violence.  Alfre Woodard’s character isn’t exactly running an Underground Railroad stop out of her attic.  Children play in the sight of an unflinching camera while Solomon avoids being lynched by balancing on his toes for hours in the stifling heat—his slaveholder’s wife looks on with interest.

The movie cannot do the actual life of Solomon Northup justice. It certainly cannot do Patsy justice.  Telling a story is not redemption.  It is part of reconciliation but it is not redemption.  Patsy’s story alone—scenes where I could not watch because I was revolted to my stomach were balanced with a desire to step in and fight for Lupita Nyong’o as if I was fighting for all of my ancestresses held in slavery…defending their bodies and minds and souls.  “I smell so bad I like to make myself gag…..Five hundred pounds of cotton—more than any man—and for that I will be clean…” I know it’s not a direct quote but that’s what seared itself into my memory. Steve McQueen doesn’t  let you forget about the sight, the smell—the sound the feel and the taste of slavery.

Normally I cannot stand the obligatory sing-along music scene in Black themed movies—even Tyler Perry ones.  The catharsis is not real…the message vague.  Black people in pain make art it seems.  But—when they bury a young man who drops dead in the heat of a Louisiana cotton field, an elder belts out an improvised version of “Roll, Jordan, Roll,” and Solomon has his catharsis along with me.  I remember singing out loud as the chorus gathered strength, hot tears carving the dryness of my cheeks.

Gratitude came out of me—to my ancestors—to all of our ancestors.  For being free now—relatively speaking—in relationship to them and all others enslaved in any form anywhere.  Gratitude for Solomon and all others who left a narrative and would not let the world forget. I felt gratitude to Patsy for showing what the Black woman went through day in and day out.  I felt gratitude to Steve McQueen for getting us all here…and for the standing ovation in the little theater in Bethesda, Maryland where I watched the film.  I felt gratitude to the ‘interracial” couple behind me who brought their tweenage son to see part of his history.

Solomon’s eyes drift in a pool of tears and he knows this evil must and will end.  Someday.

It seems to me the great concern of many when they hear whisper of slavery is the anger of the Black man and woman to the distraction of all other emotions, feelings, truths or learning.  What will that “anger” motivate us to do?  What does this “anger” mean for other people’s children?  Will this anger foment resistance?

In 12 Years a Slave gratitude trumped anger.  I certainly was angry watching this movie.  It didn’t make me hate people.  It made me angry at people who might watch this or hear of it—and still not get —–it…..That includes our sons who slay each other over turf. That includes people in positions of authority who perpetuate modern day Jim Crow through unfair sentencing laws, voter restriction, brutality and harassment by law enforcement and vigilante violence.  It includes me on those days I lament my condition without even considering for one second that my one second of a bad day is not worth a millionth of one second of their worst days.  There were no good cowboys and no good Indians then and there are no good cowboys and good Indians now.   My anger certainly did foment resistance–against everything I don’t believe in and those times when I give up on myself and forget the ancestor’s debt.

So I decided to leave this film—well written—well adapted, well costumed, fairly accurate, and well performed—in a state of gratitude.  Brad Pitt used his resources, connections and name to get this film the space where it could be seen.  The historical character he portrayed was ultimately partially responsible for Solomon’s freedom—as was Solomon—who on pain of death used his ration of gathered berries to make ink to write a letter that alerted his friends and kin he was a captive.  What about his white neighbor who journeyed into the heart of Dixie’s darkness to free him?  What kind of bravery did that take?  That man really believed in America.

I was grateful leaving the theater as it rang in my head, “I apologize for my appearance.”  I can honestly say if I was Solomon’s son I would have gotten down and kissed my father’s feet and wept there until he was assured his apology was accepted.  Watching the video roll of Solomon’s descendants just goes to show you—this man and his lovely wife Anne—an accomplished professional cook according to my fellow culinary historian Tonya Hopkins–left an incredible legacy.

I did not scream or yell when Will Smith announced 12 Years a Slave won.  The wave just hit me—came back to me—a pounding heart, a breath of pent release, a soft gratitude and a prayer for Patsy.

Then came a sweet awareness—looking in the mirror—I carry in my bones the promise of the real America.

So do you.

Thank you Steve.
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56 comments on “12 Years A Slave: Why I’m Glad it Won Best Picture

  1. Thank you for this. It put into words some of what I felt about the movie, but it made me think and reconsider even more.


  2. i’m reading your post, and now i’m right back in the midst of that storm of emotions i felt when i watched 12 Years a Slave. and i’m glad that your words brought me back there, so i can simultaneously remember and NOT FORGET.
    thank you.


  3. Did you notice that “Roll, Jordan, Roll” was different words for the song :”Run, N*****, Run” that came earlier in the film?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This movie won because it touched you. The strength of character was there in every scene and in every cruel and loving episode. As a slave interpreter myself, I had recommended the film to several people. The most moving responses were from not from African Americans. It was from people who wanted to have a dialog about what I have learned. They asked me about the Plantation I worked out. They asked me about the history and legacy of it. They wanted to know. The movie touched them, too.
    What I got was a lot more from just Patsy and Solomon. The Epps were caught in the lifestyle that drove them made. One minute you have control of others, but at the same time, you didn’t sleep because they may kill you. The same people who you “own” may rise up and slaughter you in your sleep. You saw what it did to them. You saw the pain it caused to everyone. That “acting & directing” was pure genius.
    In the end, I saw “Willie” the same I play at a local plantation working the cotton fields day in and day out. Whipped for being slow and feed a little pittance for not falling behind. I saw him helpless to protect Patsy knowing that the lash was no further than a day away for me if I tried to interfere. I saw and prayed for freedom that we all have now, but don’t appreciate. 12 years a slave is WHY I do interpretations. For every Solomon and Patsy we didn’t hear. I speak through them to educate others of what happened. For if we don’t remember, it could happen again.


    • Wow!! I’m glad to know I wasn’t the only one who struggled with the thought of walking out! I couldn’t take it!! It elicited so many emotions that I was not familiar with, because I pride myself in moving forward and not allowing hatred for any one people stand in my way of being the best I can be. I don’t want to remain “stuck”. However…I found myself feeling a strong dislike and questioning my own current position on this matter. Thank you for sharing!


  5. Bittersweet. Historic. Redemptive. Poetry.


  6. Mr. Perfect

    One black man wanted granted freedom by white people, I don’t see how that is inspiring…..if this movie was about a successful slave revolt the Oscars would never give it the time of day….hell Hollywood would make sure it didn’t even come out.


  7. The show touched me too. Some shreds of it permeates to modern day domestic help, where some employers do still ill treat their foreigner helpers. I shudder whenever there is a case of abuse for education and civilization didn’t help these peeps at all.


  8. Thank you for this post!
    “12 Years a Slave” left me in a state of deep thoughts. I wanted to see it because I had studied slavery (and the Jim Crow Laws) while at university and had always felt that no movie had ever accurately depicted that era. If there is one thing I can say is this: The pain I felt is indescribable.
    It was the same pain I experienced when I read Primo Levi’s “If This Is a Man” a couple of years ago.
    Now, let’s hope that a movie like “12 Years a Slave” will open some eyes to the issues that are still at hand. Slavery continues to thrive and is actually stronger than ever before.


  9. Thank You Michael so much for expressing so many of US rising and who’s shoulder’s we STAND on our sentiments. I will talk about 12Years a Slave all my Life like I do Roots. Your Ancestors and many of OUR’s are Pouring Blessings onto You for not letting their Lives be in Vain and continuing to Educate the Masses. May we never let these Horrors be a blanket a Shame but of Pride. Reclaiming! Thank You!


  10. Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

    I find this simple John Ross quote quite moving comforting.
    “The perpetrator of a wrong never forgives his victim.” Cherokee Chief John Ross

    Liked by 1 person

  11. 100% agree.


  12. I still want to see this movie it looks extremely good and well made.


  13. Wow! I have not yet seen the movie but while reading this, I felt it! Thank you.
    Beautifully written,


  14. By making an adaptation that was not especially faithful to the book, which also may have been unreliable since it was dictated to a ghostwriter, McQueen and John Ridley created a film to stand for the injustices visited upon so many more than Solomon Northup. It works because even Southern white conservatives can get behind a man trying to get back to his family. We can all celebrate “12 Years a Slave”, but we really aren’t ready for “60 Years a Slave”, nor for “200 years, Millions of Slaves”. You have to start somewhere. I’m glad it won too.


  15. You have only love, no hate in you. This is part of your ancestral history and you approach it with compassion. In some ways why white people like Brad Pitt would work on a movie like this is to acknowledge a cross the present must bear for the past. superb writing about your feelings while watching this film.


  16. I really like the way you write…keep going… visit mine… http://mindtechnorms.wordpress.com


  17. missmboge

    I love this. It’s every emotion I felt watching the movie written so beautifully.


  18. My Coaching Corner

    Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing this post. I’m definitely going to see this film now.


  19. Mythoughts76

    I really enjoyed this movie, although it didn’t seem to last 12 years. There was no captions telling us.. 2 years later… 10 years later.. etc. It seemed like here he was suddenly a slave and even that was a little confusing when he’s having a fine supper and then next act he’s in a dungeon type room all chained up with different captors. It felt like he lived through maybe 2 years of hard labor and then was returned to his family. But I feel bad for him and his family, and I was tempted to look up more research on where he was living when he died. After all he seems so important, as did his family. Well off and educated, well dressesd. There must have been a newspaper article about him, a census record somewhere.


  20. Mythoughts76

    The acting was great by the way. I loved the star of the show in Red Boots also. .


  21. It’s a great movie because it is not simplistic. Life is complicated, and so are we. This film stretches beyond its subject matter to touch the humanity in all of us. Maybe because McQueen is an artist he did such a good job of it.


  22. I read the book many years ago and it never left my thoughts.. .When 12 Years won best picture I cried for Solomon, for history and yes, for the new future of our Country.. Beautiful movie on every level (even the ugliness) as it shows us the true meaning of peoples emotions..
    (This movie will be given to my grandchildren as gifts)
    Loved your post and congrats on being FP!!


  23. This was a great read! The movie was amazing as well. As an african american history major, I can understand the need and want to learn more. This movie put a clear picture in my head. All the reading us students do in college are just words. Finally I was able to put a picture with all the text I’ve read. Thumbs up to you!


  24. Reblogged this on Cajun Food, Louisiana History, and a Little Lagniappe and commented:
    For those of you have seen “12 Years a Slave”, this is a great summary and praise of the movie by noted Afro-culinarian scholar Michael Twitty. Well worth the read! (PS – a few scenes in the movie were filmed at The Cabin).


  25. This is powerful. Thank you for this, Michael.


  26. Pingback: 2013- “12 Years a Slave” « No Friend As Loyal As A Book

  27. I loved 12 Years a Slave. It deserved to win! Movies of that sort are hard to watch but remind us of extremely unsavory but historic and true events in our country’s history!


  28. Powerful assessment. Thank you!


  29. Thank you. It was hard for me to comprehend what you guys have been through but after reading this post, I feel like I was able to moved closer, even if it’s just an inch.


    • I really really really. .yes really 🙂 appreciate this comment. Why? Because there are a lot of people who cannot grasp this 360 plus year nightmare that was slavery in the New World. Especially in the U.S. where the fewest enslaved Africans were imported but second only to Brazil had the largest self sustained population once slavery was over. In America the forced rapes, lack of recognized marriages, and selling of children from their parents and compulsory illiteracy (making it illegal for most enslaved ppl to get an education) would have devastating long term consequences for African Americans. When you have minority male literacy rates being used to determine (in elementary school) where the prisons should go…) and when you have ppl longing for the good old days like Duck Dynasty. .we have a long way to go. Thank you.


      • We’re all learning. And I can’t tell you how grateful I am because you… you’ve shared a part of your life to strangers like us. It’s a thing that you can never take back. And I know it means a lot. Thank you. I’ll treasure it.


      • Great thing to remember: we are all students in this world.thank you! Positive light


      • It’s because of this post that I realized things I usually won’t just like how extremely limited my perspective is. Keep it up. I’ll stay tuned. =)


  30. Your pretty amazing, I haven’t explored wordpress beyond my blog and I’m pretty glad I am because this is great.


  31. Oh, boy. Dare I wade into these shark infested waters? If I say anything that’s even remotely contrary, will I be labeled a racist who just doesn’t get it and never will? Is my opinion invalidated simply by showing some discomfort? Let’s find out.

    I, too, am glad it won best picture (although Gravity was a hell of a ride). But I’ve not seen 12 Years a Slave and I probably never will. I find I can no sit through scenes of unrelenting torture, no matter how grand the director’s vision or how well-meaning his intent. That stuff doesn’t leave my head for a long, long time. I don’t seem to be able to dismiss it as easily as I did when I was younger. My friends who have seen it have said the violence was a bit much and could have easily been toned-down without the movie losing any of its power to move and teach. I won’t watch it. I can’t.

    Also, as I’m sure you know, all movies mount an extensive media campaign within the industry to win best Oscar. The campaign launched around 12 Years… was built on a full-page ad in the trade journals that announced: “It’s Time,” the implication being it’s time that a black director won an Oscar. That was the root of Ellen Degeneres’ joke that “Either 12 Years… will win best picture or you’re all racists.” Ha ha. Very funny. Why couldn’t the movie have been sold on its merits? On it’s truth and ability to reveal an ugly and regrettable part of our history? Why did they have to go that route?


    • This is a fair question. .it brings to mind the controversy around Toni Morrison’s Beloved where everybody from Alice Walker to Skip Gates argued on behalf of her that she deserved the Pulitzer. It gets more complicated when you consider that certain critics out there demonstrated their own latent ..is that really an honest word here..racism by going “Black people just don’t make great art unless they are doing things white people don’t do as well..” So many of the greats..Toni Morisson and August Wilson faced “its just because you’re black” nonsense when clearly they produced great art. Meanwhile as we hit the fiftieth anniversary of WWII Holocaust narratives were being lauded and lauded over those narratives of other groups. The First Culture War was riddled with many civil wars as Blacks and Jews fought over the same territory. When Spielberg produced two stunning films through the lens of the Black experience he went unrewarded..but when Schindlers List came out…well ..let’s be real…it was scene by many as really good media for educating a wider audience about the Shoah by showing what it looked like firsthand to a non-Jew who then became a righteous Gentile. My point here is that the many award winning films depicting like events did not..require any more advocacy than the fact it was seen by critics to be sacrosanct in a way the Black experience was not. Schindler’s List was shown unedited for television in a major network decision on NBC because its value as a tool to teach and reach about the Holocaust was seen as far more valuable than offending public sensibilities about foul language, violence and nudity. The question is will 12 Years a Slave receive the same treatment?


  32. Reblogged this on Egos & Buffaloes and commented:
    I wanted to share this absolutely amazing assessment of the move, “12 Years A Slave” with my readers. I have had my own ambivalence about seeing the movie. I try not to be an emotional cutter and movies about slavery tend to affect me so deeply that I am immobilized for longer periods than I choose to be. I consider myself a student of African American history, yet, there is such a difference when you observe the oppression from a book or a class versus a movie. I think there is so much residual guilt for those of us who did not live through that time. Could we have endured slavery with the same grace, strength and courage as our ancestors.? Perhaps there lies the pain…


  33. I am embarrassed to admit that I did not make it through the whole film. But it clearly deserves to be watched, and discussed and learned from. All the reasons that make it a “hard” film also make it a truly essential one. It has amazed me how there are no monuments to this period in our history, only mossy trees still swaying by the big houses; and the ugly truths still gripping us. Thank you for writing about this film, and how it connects to the racism still evident today.


  34. I am particularly proud of this film mainly because it really relates to the black man in today society many black man today are chasing money most of them power. I specifically like the fact that the black man was free before he became a slave realizing that one situation was better than the other. A lot of black people don’t realize fact and they end up stuck in the hood mentality and all not realizing if they moved to better place the quality of life would be better. Mainly because black people think about themselves and not the children like animals to something and it was either fed and clothed. Sounds that’s really affected me in a positive way. Thank you for sharing this blog.


  35. Great post–thank you. We have a Syracuse, N.Y. connection to Solomon’s story: one of his descendants is an administrator in a local high school, and the students and staff will take part in learning more and sharing it with the community. Love your focus on gratitude, it helps us to heal.


  36. I have not yet seen the movie….I’m not very good with movies that depict unrelenting violence and sexual violence.

    But I agree that to see a movie and getting angry that there will be some members of the audience who still will not get it. Will not see the relationship/connection of slavery and present residual racism. Just to give an example: I hang out in cycling internet forums..and 1 of them is predominantly male….meaning I think primarily white men. There’s only 1 black cyclist and he’s just funny, intelligent but he too is careful about being overly critical when the dumb jokes of privileged white guys spin out. Privileged in terms of their dumb jokes and not understanding who they are.


  37. houseofzella

    Well said! Thank you for posting this. I read the book in college. Solomon’s story haunted me for years and like many, no one really knew of his story or the book. I didn’t even know about the book and after my professor introduced the book to my class, I questioned why this book wasn’t well known. So when the movie came out, I was so grateful that Solomon and everyone who he encountered in his journey back to freedom would finally have their story told. I don’t think we can ever conceptualize what slavery was like. However, I will never forget visiting a plantation outside of New Orleans with the former director of the New Orleans African American Museum. We were invited to a private tour of a plantation that would finally open the door to American slavery but through slave children. Throughout the plantation there were metal statues of slave children silently telling their story. Because who would be in fear of innocence in a horrific moment in history? Throughout the plantation their eyes haunted you. Their innocence, their pain and your desire to help them. I will never ever forget when we were told to enter a slave rusty iron tiny prison cell in the cotton fields and the door was closed, myself and the director in 102 humid Louisiana weather. We didn’t last for more than 5 seconds and we mutually wanted out. The cell was supposed to hold 20 for hours to days in Louisiana heat. We could feel the presence of those who were in that cell and it was the most haunting experience we have ever felt. The plantation was the brainchild of a New Orleanian Irish lawyer who won the famous tobacco suit. I can’t remember his name. He was extremely passionate about launching a museum/plantation to open a dialogue that has never properly seen the light of day. After the tour, we left the plantation in silence…two museum professionals with no words just silence.


  38. This movie moved me like no other. The writing, acting, the casting, the images of people and of landscape, the use of silence and of sound told a story so hard to comprehend and admit is part of our past. And our present. I’ll confess I’m a privileged white woman but I am not blind to the inequities that are still all around us. The images and faces may have changed some but there is still much we must do, we must learn. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. A wonderful piece.


  39. My husband and I watched it and I cried all throughout the movie, I felt every lashes and pain. I cheered and cried for joy when it won Best Picture!


  40. LOVE this post. And I thoroughly appreciate your reaction. My own take on the film:
    Feel free to join the Race that’s on, also. Info next to my About. You can share your experiences on my platform. I’d be happy to promote your wonderful blog. I have an amazing, thoughtful readership.
    Keep up the passionate writing.


  41. This post is beautifully written because it was heartfelt and sincere. Thank you for that.


  42. Larissa Walrond

    Thank you for this. I cant watch these movies myself but I know they’re important. I appreciate the reminders that come along with posts like this.


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